CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 6490 publications)
Query Trace: Gwas[original query] |
Host Genetic Risk Factors for Chlamydia trachomatis-Related Infertility in Women.
Zheng X , Zhong W , O'Connell CM , Liu Y , Haggerty CL , Geisler WM , Anyalechi GE , Kirkcaldy RD , Wiesenfeld HC , Hillier SL , Steinkampf MP , Hammond KR , Fine J , Li Y , Darville T . J Infect Dis 2021 224 S64-s71 |
Examining Individual and Synergistic Contributions of PTSD and Genetics to Blood Pressure: A Trans-Ethnic Meta-Analysis.
Sumner JA , Maihofer AX , Michopoulos V , Rothbaum AO , Almli LM , Andreassen OA , Ashley-Koch AE , Baker DG , Beckham JC , Bradley B , Breen G , Coleman JRI , Dale AM , Dennis MF , Feeny NC , Franz CE , Garrett ME , Gillespie CF , Guffanti G , Hauser MA , Hemmings SMJ , Jovanovic T , Kimbrel NA , Kremen WS , Lawford BR , Logue MW , Lori A , Lyons MJ , Maples-Keller J , Mavissakalian MR , McGlinchey RE , Mehta D , Mellor R , Milberg W , Miller MW , Morris CP , Panizzon MS , Ressler KJ , Risbrough VB , Rothbaum BO , Roy-Byrne P , Seedat S , Smith AK , Stevens JS , van den Heuvel LL , Voisey J , Young RM , Zoellner LA , Nievergelt CM , Wolf EJ . Front Neurosci 2021 15 678503 |
The First Genome-Wide Association Study for Type 2 Diabetes in Youth: The Progress in Diabetes Genetics in Youth (ProDiGY) Consortium.
Srinivasan S , Chen L , Todd J , Divers J , Gidding S , Chernausek S , Gubitosi-Klug RA , Kelsey MM , Shah R , Black MH , Wagenknecht LE , Manning A , Flannick J , Imperatore G , Mercader JM , Dabelea D , Florez JC . Diabetes 2021 70 (4) 996-1005 |
A genome-wide association study implicates the BMP7 locus as a risk factor for nonsyndromic metopic craniosynostosis.
Justice CM , Cuellar A , Bala K , Sabourin JA , Cunningham ML , Crawford K , Phipps JM , Zhou Y , Cilliers D , Byren JC , Johnson D , Wall SA , Morton JEV , Noons P , Sweeney E , Weber A , Rees KEM , Wilson LC , Simeonov E , Kaneva R , Yaneva N , Georgiev K , Bussarsky A , Senders C , Zwienenberg M , Boggan J , Roscioli T , Tamburrini G , Barba M , Conway K , Sheffield VC , Brody L , Mills JL , Kay D , Sicko RJ , Langlois PH , Tittle RK , Botto LD , Jenkins MM , LaSalle JM , Lattanzi W , Wilkie AOM , Wilson AF , Romitti PA , Boyadjiev SA . Hum Genet 2020 139 (8) 1077-1090 |
Genome-wide association studies of structural birth defects: A review and commentary.
Lupo PJ , Mitchell LE , Jenkins MM . Birth Defects Res 2019 111 (18) 1329-1342 |
Perspective: The Clinical Use of Polygenic Risk Scores: Race, Ethnicity, and Health Disparities.
Roberts MC , Khoury MJ , Mensah GA . Ethn Dis 2019 29 (3) 513-516 |
Genome-wide association study of telomere length among South Asians identifies a second RTEL1 association signal.
Delgado DA , Zhang C , Chen LS , Gao J , Roy S , Shinkle J , Sabarinathan M , Argos M , Tong L , Ahmed A , Islam T , Rakibuz-Zaman M , Sarwar G , Shahriar H , Rahman M , Yunus M , Jasmine F , Kibriya MG , Ahsan H , Pierce BL . J Med Genet 2018 55 (1) 64-71 |
Genome-wide association study to identify variants associated with vaso-occlusive pain in sickle cell anemia.
Chaturvedi S , Bhatnagar P , Bean CJ , Steinberg MH , Milton JN , Casella JF , Barron-Casella E , Arking DE , DeBaun MR . Blood 2017 130 (5) 686-688 |
Characterization of large structural genetic mosaicism in human autosomes.
Machiela MJ , Zhou W , Sampson JN , Dean MC , Jacobs KB , Black A , Brinton LA , Chang IS , Chen C , Chen C , Chen K , Cook LS , Crous Bou M , De Vivo I , Doherty J , Friedenreich CM , Gaudet MM , Haiman CA , Hankinson SE , Hartge P , Henderson BE , Hong YC , Hosgood HD 3rd , Hsiung CA , Hu W , Hunter DJ , Jessop L , Kim HN , Kim YH , Kim YT , Klein R , Kraft P , Lan Q , Lin D , Liu J , Le Marchand L , Liang X , Lissowska J , Lu L , Magliocco AM , Matsuo K , Olson SH , Orlow I , Park JY , Pooler L , Prescott J , Rastogi R , Risch HA , Schumacher F , Seow A , Setiawan VW , Shen H , Sheng X , Shin MH , Shu XO , VanDen Berg D , Wang JC , Wentzensen N , Wong MP , Wu C , Wu T , Wu YL , Xia L , Yang HP , Yang PC , Zheng W , Zhou B , Abnet CC , Albanes D , Aldrich MC , Amos C , Amundadottir LT , Berndt SI , Blot WJ , Bock CH , Bracci PM , Burdett L , Buring JE , Butler MA , Carreon T , Chatterjee N , Chung CC , Cook MB , Cullen M , Davis FG , Ding T , Duell EJ , Epstein CG , Fan JH , Figueroa JD , Fraumeni JF Jr , Freedman ND , Fuchs CS , Gao YT , Gapstur SM , Patino-Garcia A , Garcia-Closas M , Gaziano JM , Giles GG , Gillanders EM , Giovannucci EL , Goldin L , Goldstein AM , Greene MH , Hallmans G , Harris CC , Henriksson R , Holly EA , Hoover RN , Hu N , Hutchinson A , Jenab M , Johansen C , Khaw KT , Koh WP , Kolonel LN , Kooperberg C , Krogh V , Kurtz RC , LaCroix A , Landgren A , Landi MT , Li D , Liao LM , Malats N , McGlynn KA , McNeill LH , McWilliams RR , Melin BS , Mirabello L , Peplonska B , Peters U , Petersen GM , Prokunina-Olsson L , Purdue M , Qiao YL , Rabe KG , Rajaraman P , Real FX , Riboli E , Rodriguez-Santiago B , Rothman N , Ruder AM , Savage SA , Schwartz AG , Schwartz KL , Sesso HD , Severi G , Silverman DT , Spitz MR , Stevens VL , Stolzenberg-Solomon R , Stram D , Tang ZZ , Taylor PR , Teras LR , Tobias GS , Viswanathan K , Wacholder S , Wang Z , Weinstein SJ , Wheeler W , White E , Wiencke JK , Wolpin BM , Wu X , Wunder JS , Yu K , Zanetti KA , Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A , Ziegler RG , de Andrade M , Barnes KC , Beaty TH , Bierut LJ , Desch KC , Doheny KF , Feenstra B , Ginsburg D , Heit JA , Kang JH , Laurie CA , Li JZ , Lowe WL , Marazita ML , Melbye M , Mirel DB , Murray JC , Nelson SC , Pasquale LR , Rice K , Wiggs JL , Wise A , Tucker M , Perez-Jurado LA , Laurie CC , Caporaso NE , Yeager M , Chanock SJ . Am J Hum Genet 2015 96 (3) 487-97 |
A systematic review of cancer GWAS and candidate gene meta-analyses reveals limited overlap but similar effect sizes.
Chang CQ , Yesupriya A , Rowell JL , Pimentel CB , Clyne M , Gwinn M , Khoury MJ , Wulf A , Schully SD . Eur J Hum Genet 2014 22 (3) 402-8 |
Imputation and subset-based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33.
Wang Z , Zhu B , Zhang M , Parikh H , Jia J , Chung CC , Sampson JN , Hoskins JW , Hutchinson A , Burdette L , Ibrahim A , Hautman C , Raj PS , Abnet CC , Adjei AA , Ahlbom A , Albanes D , Allen NE , Ambrosone CB , Aldrich M , Amiano P , Amos C , Andersson U , Andriole G Jr , Andrulis IL , Arici C , Arslan AA , Austin MA , Baris D , Barkauskas DA , Bassig BA , Beane Freeman LE , Berg CD , Berndt SI , Bertazzi PA , Biritwum RB , Black A , Blot W , Boeing H , Boffetta P , Bolton K , Boutron-Ruault MC , Bracci PM , Brennan P , Brinton LA , Brotzman M , Bueno-de-Mesquita HB , Buring JE , Butler MA , Cai Q , Cancel-Tassin G , Canzian F , Cao G , Caporaso NE , Carrato A , Carreon T , Carta A , Chang GC , Chang IS , Chang-Claude J , Che X , Chen CJ , Chen CY , Chen CH , Chen C , Chen KY , Chen YM , Chokkalingam AP , Chu LW , Clavel-Chapelon F , Colditz GA , Colt JS , Conti D , Cook MB , Cortessis VK , Crawford ED , Cussenot O , Davis FG , De Vivo I , Deng X , Ding T , Dinney CP , Di Stefano AL , Diver WR , Duell EJ , Elena JW , Fan JH , Feigelson HS , Feychting M , Figueroa JD , Flanagan AM , Fraumeni JF Jr , Freedman ND , Fridley BL , Fuchs CS , Gago-Dominguez M , Gallinger S , Gao YT , Gapstur SM , Garcia-Closas M , Garcia-Closas R , Gastier-Foster JM , Gaziano JM , Gerhard DS , Giffen CA , Giles GG , Gillanders EM , Giovannucci EL , Goggins M , Gokgoz N , Goldstein AM , Gonzalez C , Gorlick R , Greene MH , Gross M , Grossman HB , Grubb R 3rd , Gu J , Guan P , Haiman CA , Hallmans G , Hankinson SE , Harris CC , Hartge P , Hattinger C , Hayes RB , He Q , Helman L , Henderson BE , Henriksson R , Hoffman-Bolton J , Hohensee C , Holly EA , Hong YC , Hoover RN , Hosgood HD 3rd , Hsiao CF , Hsing AW , Hsiung CA , Hu N , Hu W , Hu Z , Huang MS , Hunter DJ , Inskip PD , Ito H , Jacobs EJ , Jacobs KB , Jenab M , Ji BT , Johansen C , Johansson M , Johnson A , Kaaks R , Kamat AM , Kamineni A , Karagas M , Khanna C , Khaw KT , Kim C , Kim IS , Kim YH , Kim YC , Kim YT , Kang CH , Jung YJ , Kitahara CM , Klein AP , Klein R , Kogevinas M , Koh WP , Kohno T , Kolonel LN , Kooperberg C , Kratz CP , Krogh V , Kunitoh H , Kurtz RC , Kurucu N , Lan Q , Lathrop M , Lau CC , Lecanda F , Lee KM , Lee MP , Le Marchand L , Lerner SP , Li D , Liao LM , Lim WY , Lin D , Lin J , Lindstrom S , Linet MS , Lissowska J , Liu J , Ljungberg B , Lloreta J , Lu D , Ma J , Malats N , Mannisto S , Marina N , Mastrangelo G , Matsuo K , McGlynn KA , McKean-Cowdin R , McNeill LH , McWilliams RR , Melin BS , Meltzer PS , Mensah JE , Miao X , Michaud DS , Mondul AM , Moore LE , Muir K , Niwa S , Olson SH , Orr N , Panico S , Park JY , Patel AV , Patino-Garcia A , Pavanello S , Peeters PH , Peplonska B , Peters U , Petersen GM , Picci P , Pike MC , Porru S , Prescott J , Pu X , Purdue MP , Qiao YL , Rajaraman P , Riboli E , Risch HA , Rodabough RJ , Rothman N , Ruder AM , Ryu JS , Sanson M , Schned A , Schumacher FR , Schwartz AG , Schwartz KL , Schwenn M , Scotlandi K , Seow A , Serra C , Serra M , Sesso HD , Severi G , Shen H , Shen M , Shete S , Shiraishi K , Shu XO , Siddiq A , Sierrasesumaga L , Sierri S , Sihoe AD , Silverman DT , Simon M , Southey MC , Spector L , Spitz M , Stampfer M , Stattin P , Stern MC , Stevens VL , Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ , Stram DO , Strom SS , Su WC , Sund M , Sung SW , Swerdlow A , Tan W , Tanaka H , Tang W , Tang ZZ , Tardon A , Tay E , Taylor PR , Tettey Y , Thomas DM , Tirabosco R , Tjonneland A , Tobias GS , Toro JR , Travis RC , Trichopoulos D , Troisi R , Truelove A , Tsai YH , Tucker MA , Tumino R , Van Den Berg D , Van Den Eeden SK , Vermeulen R , Vineis P , Visvanathan K , Vogel U , Wang C , Wang C , Wang J , Wang SS , Weiderpass E , Weinstein SJ , Wentzensen N , Wheeler W , White E , Wiencke JK , Wolk A , Wolpin BM , Wong MP , Wrensch M , Wu C , Wu T , Wu X , Wu YL , Wunder JS , Xiang YB , Xu J , Yang HP , Yang PC , Yatabe Y , Ye Y , Yeboah ED , Yin Z , Ying C , Yu CJ , Yu K , Yuan JM , Zanetti KA , Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A , Zheng W , Zhou B , Mirabello L , Savage SA , Kraft P , Chanock SJ , Yeager M , Landi MT , Shi J , Chatterjee N , Amundadottir LT . Hum Mol Genet 2014 23 (24) 6616-33 |
Joint effects between five identified risk variants, allergy, and autoimmune conditions on glioma risk
Safaeian M , Rajaraman P , Hartge P , Yeager M , Linet M , Butler MA , Ruder AM , Purdue MP , Hsing A , Beane-Freeman L , Hoppin JA , Albanes D , Weinstein SJ , Inskip PD , Brenner A , Rothman N , Chatterjee N , Gillanders EM , Chanock SJ , Wang SS . Cancer Causes Control 2013 24 (10) 1885-91 |
Gene-environment interactions in cancer epidemiology: a National Cancer Institute Think Tank report.
Hutter Carolyn M, Mechanic Leah E, Chatterjee Nilanjan, Kraft Peter, Gillanders Elizabeth M, . Genetic epidemiology 2013 37(7) 643-57 . Genetic epidemiology 2013 37(7) 643-57 |
CTNNA3 (alpha-catenin) gene variants are associated with diisocyanate asthma: a replication study in a caucasian worker population
Bernstein DI , Kashon M , Lummus ZL , Johnson VJ , Fluharty K , Gautrin D , Malo JL , Cartier A , Boulet LP , Sastre J , Quirce S , Germolec D , Tarlo SM , Cruz MJ , Munoz X , Luster MI , Yucesoy B . Toxicol Sci 2012 131 (1) 242-6 |
Knowledge integration in cancer: current landscape and future prospects.
Ioannidis JP , Schully SD , Lam TK , Khoury MJ . Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2013 22 (1) 3-10 |
Genome-wide association study of glioma and meta-analysis.
Rajaraman P , Melin BS , Wang Z , McKean-Cowdin R , Michaud DS , Wang SS , Bondy M , Houlston R , Jenkins RB , Wrensch M , Yeager M , Ahlbom A , Albanes D , Andersson U , Freeman LE , Buring JE , Butler MA , Braganza M , Carreon T , Feychting M , Fleming SJ , Gapstur SM , Gaziano JM , Giles GG , Hallmans G , Henriksson R , Hoffman-Bolton J , Inskip PD , Johansen C , Kitahara CM , Lathrop M , Liu C , Le Marchand L , Linet MS , Lonn S , Peters U , Purdue MP , Rothman N , Ruder AM , Sanson M , Sesso HD , Severi G , Shu XO , Simon M , Stampfer M , Stevens VL , Visvanathan K , White E , Wolk A , Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A , Zheng W , Decker P , Enciso-Mora V , Fridley B , Gao YT , Kosel M , Lachance DH , Lau C , Rice T , Swerdlow A , Wiemels JL , Wiencke JK , Shete S , Xiang YB , Xiao Y , Hoover RN , Fraumeni JF Jr , Chatterjee N , Hartge P , Chanock SJ . Hum Genet 2012 131 (12) 1877-88 |
Meta-analysis of 2040 sickle cell anemia patients: BCL11A and HBS1L-MYB are the major modifiers of HbF in African Americans
Bae HT , Baldwin CT , Sebastiani P , Telen MJ , Ashley-Koch A , Garrett M , Hooper WC , Bean CJ , Debaun MR , Arking DE , Bhatnagar P , Casella JF , Keefer JR , Barron-Casella E , Gordeuk V , Kato GJ , Minniti C , Taylor J , Campbell A , Luchtman-Jones L , Hoppe C , Gladwin MT , Zhang Y , Steinberg MH . Blood 2012 120 (9) 1961-2 |
A genome-wide association study of host genetic determinants of the antibody response to Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed.
Pajewski NM , Shrestha S , Quinn CP , Parker SD , Wiener H , Aissani B , McKinney BA , Poland GA , Edberg JC , Kimberly RP , Tang J , Kaslow RA . Vaccine 2012 30 (32) 4778-84 |
A genome-wide association study of total bilirubin and cholelithiasis risk in sickle cell anemia.
Milton JN , Sebastiani P , Solovieff N , Hartley SW , Bhatnagar P , Arking DE , Dworkis DA , Casella JF , Barron-Casella E , Bean CJ , Hooper WC , Debaun MR , Garrett ME , Soldano K , Telen MJ , Ashley-Koch A , Gladwin MT , Baldwin CT , Steinberg MH , Klings ES . PLoS One 2012 7 (4) e34741 |
Comprehensive research synopsis and systematic meta-analyses in Parkinson's disease genetics: The PDGene database.
Lill CM , Roehr JT , McQueen MB , Kavvoura FK , Bagade S , Schjeide BM , Schjeide LM , Meissner E , Zauft U , Allen NC , Liu T , Schilling M , Anderson KJ , Beecham G , Berg D , Biernacka JM , Brice A , DeStefano AL , Do CB , Eriksson N , Factor SA , Farrer MJ , Foroud T , Gasser T , Hamza T , Hardy JA , Heutink P , Hill-Burns EM , Klein C , Latourelle JC , Maraganore DM , Martin ER , Martinez M , Myers RH , Nalls MA , Pankratz N , Payami H , Satake W , Scott WK , Sharma M , Singleton AB , Stefansson K , Toda T , Tung JY , Vance J , Wood NW , Zabetian CP , Young P , Tanzi RE , Khoury MJ , Zipp F , Lehrach H , Ioannidis JP , Bertram L . PLoS Genet 2012 8 (3) e1002548 |
Trends in population-based studies of human genetics in infectious diseases.
Rowell JL , Dowling NF , Yu W , Yesupriya A , Zhang L , Gwinn M . PLoS One 2012 7 (2) e25431 |
Racial/ethnic variation in the association of lipid-related genetic variants with blood lipids in the US adult population.
Chang MH , Ned RM , Hong Y , Yesupriya A , Yang Q , Liu T , Janssens AC , Dowling NF . Circ Cardiovasc Genet 2011 4 (5) 523-33 |
Cancer GAMAdb: database of cancer genetic associations from meta-analyses and genome-wide association studies.
Schully SD , Yu W , McCallum V , Benedicto CB , Dong LM , Wulf A , Clyne M , Khoury MJ . Eur J Hum Genet 2011 19 (8) 928-30 |
GWAS Integrator: a bioinformatics tool to explore human genetic associations reported in published genome-wide association studies.
Yu W , Yesupriya A , Wulf A , Hindorff LA , Dowling N , Khoury MJ , Gwinn M . Eur J Hum Genet 2011 19 (10) 1095-9 |
Strong influence of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DP gene variants on development of persistent chronic hepatitis B virus carriers in the Han Chinese population.
Guo X , Zhang Y , Li J , Ma J , Wei Z , Tan W , O'Brien SJ . Hepatology 2011 53 (2) 422-8 |
Building a knowledge base on genetic variation and cancer risk through field synopses.
Yesupriya A , Gwinn M , Khoury MJ . J Natl Cancer Inst 2009 101 (1) 4-5 |
Health care provider and consumer awareness, perceptions, and use of direct-to-consumer personal genomic tests, United States, 2008.
Kolor K , Liu T , St Pierre J , Khoury MJ . Genet Med 2009 11 (8) 595 |
Using lifetime risk estimates in personal genomic profiles: estimation of uncertainty.
Yang Q , Flanders WD , Moonesinghe R , Ioannidis JP , Guessous I , Khoury MJ . Am J Hum Genet 2009 85 (6) 786-800 |
Genome-wide association studies, field synopses, and the development of the knowledge base on genetic variation and human diseases.
Khoury MJ , Bertram L , Boffetta P , Butterworth AS , Chanock SJ , Dolan SM , Fortier I , Garcia-Closas M , Gwinn M , Higgins JP , Janssens AC , Ostell J , Owen RP , Pagon RA , Rebbeck TR , Rothman N , Bernstein JL , Burton PR , Campbell H , Chockalingam A , Furberg H , Little J , O'Brien TR , Seminara D , Vineis P , Winn DM , Yu W , Ioannidis JP . Am J Epidemiol 2009 170 (3) 269-79 |
Gene Prospector: an evidence gateway for evaluating potential susceptibility genes and interacting risk factors for human diseases.
Yu Wei, Wulf Anja, Liu Tiebin, Khoury Muin J, Gwinn Marta. BMC bioinformatics 2008 9528 . BMC bioinformatics 2008 9528 |
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