CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 21, 2025. (Total: 6495 publications)
Query Trace: Guo X[original query] |
HIV DNA levels in persons who acquired HIV in the setting of long-acting cabotegravir for HIV prevention: Analysis of cases from HPTN 083 and 084
Fogel JM , Persaud D , Piwowar-Manning E , Richardson P , Szewczyk J , Marzinke MA , Wang Z , Guo X , McCauley M , Farrior J , Tran HV , Ungsedhapand C , Mathew CA , Mpendo J , Rinehart AR , Rooney JF , Cohen MS , Hanscom B , Grinsztejn B , Hosseinipour MC , Delany-Moretlwe S , Landovitz RJ , Eshleman SH . AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2024 |
Subtyping Cryptosporidium ubiquitum,a zoonotic pathogen emerging in humans.
Li N , Xiao L , Alderisio K , Elwin K , Cebelinski E , Chalmers R , Santin M , Fayer R , Kvac M , Ryan U , Sak B , Stanko M , Guo Y , Wang L , Zhang L , Cai J , Roellig D , Feng Y . Emerg Infect Dis 2014 20 (2) 217-24 |
Coordinated evolution among hepatitis C virus genomic sites is coupled to host factors and resistance to interferon.
Lara J , Tavis JE , Donlin MJ , Lee WM , Yuan HJ , Pearlman BL , Vaughan G , Forbi JC , Xia GL , Khudyakov YE . In Silico Biol 2011 11 213-24 |
MicroRNA-based discovery of biomarkers, therapeutic targets, and repositioning drugs for breast cancer
Ye Q , Raese RA , Luo D , Feng J , Xin W , Dong C , Qian Y , Guo NL . Cells 2023 12 (14) |
Expression-based diagnosis, treatment selection, and drug development for breast cancer
Ye Q , Wang J , Ducatman B , Raese RA , Rogers JL , Wan YW , Dong C , Padden L , Pugacheva EN , Qian Y , Guo NL . Int J Mol Sci 2023 24 (13) |
High subtelomeric GC content in the genome of a zoonotic Cryptosporidium species
Li J , Li N , Roellig DM , Zhao W , Guo Y , Feng Y , Xiao L . Microb Genom 2023 9 (7) |
Adapterama II: universal amplicon sequencing on Illumina platforms (TaggiMatrix).
Glenn TC , Pierson TW , Bayona-Vásquez NJ , Kieran TJ , Hoffberg SL , Thomas Iv JC , Lefever DE , Finger JW , Gao B , Bian X , Louha S , Kolli RT , Bentley KE , Rushmore J , Wong K , Shaw TI , Rothrock MJ Jr , McKee AM , Guo TL , Mauricio R , Molina M , Cummings BS , Lash LH , Lu K , Gilbert GS , Hubbell SP , Faircloth BC . PeerJ 2019 7 e7786 |
Multiple introductions and recombination events underlie the emergence of a hyper-transmissible Cryptosporidium hominis subtype in the USA.
Huang W , Guo Y , Lysen C , Wang Y , Tang K , Seabolt MH , Yang F , Cebelinski E , Gonzalez-Moreno O , Hou T , Chen C , Chen M , Wan M , Li N , Hlavsa MC , Roellig DM , Feng Y , Xiao L . Cell Host Microbe 2022 31 (1) 112-123 e4 |
Sympatric Recombination in Zoonotic Cryptosporidium Leads to Emergence of Populations with Modified Host Preference.
Wang T , Guo Y , Roellig DM , Li N , Santín M , Lombard J , Kváč M , Naguib D , Zhang Z , Feng Y , Xiao L . Mol Biol Evol 2022 39 (7) |
Evaluation of individual and ensemble probabilistic forecasts of COVID-19 mortality in the United States.
Cramer EY , Ray EL , Lopez VK , Bracher J , Brennen A , Castro Rivadeneira AJ , Gerding A , Gneiting T , House KH , Huang Y , Jayawardena D , Kanji AH , Khandelwal A , Le K , Mühlemann A , Niemi J , Shah A , Stark A , Wang Y , Wattanachit N , Zorn MW , Gu Y , Jain S , Bannur N , Deva A , Kulkarni M , Merugu S , Raval A , Shingi S , Tiwari A , White J , Abernethy NF , Woody S , Dahan M , Fox S , Gaither K , Lachmann M , Meyers LA , Scott JG , Tec M , Srivastava A , George GE , Cegan JC , Dettwiller ID , England WP , Farthing MW , Hunter RH , Lafferty B , Linkov I , Mayo ML , Parno MD , Rowland MA , Trump BD , Zhang-James Y , Chen S , Faraone SV , Hess J , Morley CP , Salekin A , Wang D , Corsetti SM , Baer TM , Eisenberg MC , Falb K , Huang Y , Martin ET , McCauley E , Myers RL , Schwarz T , Sheldon D , Gibson GC , Yu R , Gao L , Ma Y , Wu D , Yan X , Jin X , Wang YX , Chen Y , Guo L , Zhao Y , Gu Q , Chen J , Wang L , Xu P , Zhang W , Zou D , Biegel H , Lega J , McConnell S , Nagraj VP , Guertin SL , Hulme-Lowe C , Turner SD , Shi Y , Ban X , Walraven R , Hong QJ , Kong S , van de Walle A , Turtle JA , Ben-Nun M , Riley S , Riley P , Koyluoglu U , DesRoches D , Forli P , Hamory B , Kyriakides C , Leis H , Milliken J , Moloney M , Morgan J , Nirgudkar N , Ozcan G , Piwonka N , Ravi M , Schrader C , Shakhnovich E , Siegel D , Spatz R , Stiefeling C , Wilkinson B , Wong A , Cavany S , España G , Moore S , Oidtman R , Perkins A , Kraus D , Kraus A , Gao Z , Bian J , Cao W , Lavista Ferres J , Li C , Liu TY , Xie X , Zhang S , Zheng S , Vespignani A , Chinazzi M , Davis JT , Mu K , Pastore YPiontti A , Xiong X , Zheng A , Baek J , Farias V , Georgescu A , Levi R , Sinha D , Wilde J , Perakis G , Bennouna MA , Nze-Ndong D , Singhvi D , Spantidakis I , Thayaparan L , Tsiourvas A , Sarker A , Jadbabaie A , Shah D , Della Penna N , Celi LA , Sundar S , Wolfinger R , Osthus D , Castro L , Fairchild G , Michaud I , Karlen D , Kinsey M , Mullany LC , Rainwater-Lovett K , Shin L , Tallaksen K , Wilson S , Lee EC , Dent J , Grantz KH , Hill AL , Kaminsky J , Kaminsky K , Keegan LT , Lauer SA , Lemaitre JC , Lessler J , Meredith HR , Perez-Saez J , Shah S , Smith CP , Truelove SA , Wills J , Marshall M , Gardner L , Nixon K , Burant JC , Wang L , Gao L , Gu Z , Kim M , Li X , Wang G , Wang Y , Yu S , Reiner RC , Barber R , Gakidou E , Hay SI , Lim S , Murray C , Pigott D , Gurung HL , Baccam P , Stage SA , Suchoski BT , Prakash BA , Adhikari B , Cui J , Rodríguez A , Tabassum A , Xie J , Keskinocak P , Asplund J , Baxter A , Oruc BE , Serban N , Arik SO , Dusenberry M , Epshteyn A , Kanal E , Le LT , Li CL , Pfister T , Sava D , Sinha R , Tsai T , Yoder N , Yoon J , Zhang L , Abbott S , Bosse NI , Funk S , Hellewell J , Meakin SR , Sherratt K , Zhou M , Kalantari R , Yamana TK , Pei S , Shaman J , Li ML , Bertsimas D , Skali Lami O , Soni S , Tazi Bouardi H , Ayer T , Adee M , Chhatwal J , Dalgic OO , Ladd MA , Linas BP , Mueller P , Xiao J , Wang Y , Wang Q , Xie S , Zeng D , Green A , Bien J , Brooks L , Hu AJ , Jahja M , McDonald D , Narasimhan B , Politsch C , Rajanala S , Rumack A , Simon N , Tibshirani RJ , Tibshirani R , Ventura V , Wasserman L , O'Dea EB , Drake JM , Pagano R , Tran QT , Ho LST , Huynh H , Walker JW , Slayton RB , Johansson MA , Biggerstaff M , Reich NG . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2022 119 (15) e2113561119 |
Cryptosporidium felis differs from other Cryptosporidium spp. in codon usage.
Li J , Guo Y , Roellig DM , Li N , Feng Y , Xiao L . Microb Genom 2021 7 (12) |
Identification of Prognostic and Chemopredictive microRNAs for Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer by Integrating SEER-Medicare Data.
Ye Q , Putila J , Raese R , Dong C , Qian Y , Dowlati A , Guo NL . Int J Mol Sci 2021 22 (14) |
Comparative potency analysis of whole smoke solutions in the bacterial reverse mutation test.
Meng F , Mei N , Yan J , Guo X , Richter PA , Chen T , De M . Mutagenesis 2021 36 (4) 321-329 |
Changing Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis A Virus Infection, United States, 1996-2019.
Ramachandran S , Xia GL , Dimitrova Z , Lin Y , Montgomery M , Augustine R , Kamili S , Khudyakov Y . Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (6) 1742-1745 |
Mispair-bound human MutS-MutL complex triggers DNA incisions and activates mismatch repair.
Ortega J , Lee GS , Gu L , Yang W , Li GM . Cell Res 2021 31 (5) 542-553 |
Outbreak of hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections associated with a cardiology clinic, West Virginia, 2012-2014.
Tressler SR , Del Rosario MC , Kirby MD , Simmons AN , Scott MA , Ibrahim S , Forbi JC , Thai H , Xia GL , Lyman M , Collier MG , Patel PR , Bixler D . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2021 42 (12) 1-6 |
Characterizations of Enterocytozoon bieneusi at new genetic loci reveal a lack of strict host specificity among common genotypes and the existence of a canine-adapted Enterocytozoon species.
Ou Y , Jiang W , Roellig DM , Wan Z , Li N , Guo Y , Feng Y , Xiao L . Int J Parasitol 2020 51 215-223 |
Development of a Subtyping Tool for Zoonotic Pathogen Cryptosporidium Canis .
Jiang W , Roellig DM , Guo Y , Li N , Feng Y , Xiao L . J Clin Microbiol 2020 59 (3) |
Evolution and rapid spread of a reassortant A(H3N2) virus that predominated the 2017-2018 influenza season.
Potter BI , Kondor R , Hadfield J , Huddleston J , Barnes J , Rowe T , Guo L , Xu X , Neher RA , Bedford T , Wentworth DE . Virus Evol 2019 5 (2) vez046 |
Subtype distribution of zoonotic pathogen Cryptosporidium felis in humans and animals in several countries.
Jiang W , Roellig DM , Lebbad M , Beser J , Troell K , Guo Y , Li N , Xiao L , Feng Y . Emerg Microbes Infect 2020 9 (1) 1-22 |
Complex genetic encoding of the hepatitis B virus on-drug persistence.
Thai H , Lara J , Xu X , Kitrinos K , Gaggar A , Chan HLY , Xia GL , Ganova-Raeva L , Khudyakov Y . Sci Rep 2020 10 (1) 15574 |
Contribution of hospitals to the occurrence of enteric protists in urban wastewater.
Jiang W , Roellig DM , Li N , Wang L , Guo Y , Feng Y , Xiao L . Parasitol Res 2020 119 (9) 3033-3040 |
High prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus infection among people who use crack cocaine in an important international drug trafficking route in Central-West Region Brazil.
Castro VOL , Kamili S , Forbi JC , Stabile AC , da Silva EF , do Valle Leone de Oliveira SM , de Carvalho PRT , Puga MAM , Tanaka TSO , do Lago BV , Ibanhes ML , Araujo A , Tejada-Strop A , Lin Y , Xia GL , Sue A , Teles SA , Motta-Castro ARC . Infect Genet Evol 2020 85 104488 |
Amino Acid Substitutions in Positions 385 and 393 of the Hydrophobic Region of VP4 May Be Associated with Rotavirus Attenuation and Cell Culture Adaptation.
Guo Y , Wentworth DE , Stucker KM , Halpin RA , Lam HC , Marthaler D , Saif LJ , Vlasova AN . Viruses 2020 12 (4) |
Influenza virus NS1- C/EBPβ gene regulatory complex inhibits RIG-I transcription.
Kumari R , Guo Z , Kumar A , Wiens M , Gangappa S , Katz JM , Cox NJ , Lal RB , Sarkar D , Fisher PB , Garcia-Sastre A , Fujita T , Kumar V , Sambhara S , Ranjan P , Lal SK . Antiviral Res 2020 176 104747 |
Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Induced Gene Expression Biomarkers for Medical and Occupational Surveillance.
Snyder-Talkington BN , Dong C , Singh S , Raese R , Qian Y , Porter DW , Wolfarth MG , Guo NL . Int J Mol Sci 2019 20 (11) |
Detection of oseltamivir-resistant zoonotic and animal influenza A viruses using the rapid influenza antiviral resistance test.
Hodges EN , Mishin VP , De la Cruz J , Guo Z , Nguyen HT , Fallows E , Stevens J , Wentworth DE , Davis CT , Gubareva LV . Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2019 13 (5) 522-7 |
Differential gene regulation in human small airway epithelial cells grown in monoculture versus coculture with human microvascular endothelial cells following multiwalled carbon nanotube exposure.
Snyder-Talkington BN , Dong C , Castranova V , Qian Y , Guo NL . Toxicol Rep 2019 6 482-488 |
Comparative analysis reveals conservation in genome organization among intestinal Cryptosporidium species and sequence divergence in potential secreted pathogenesis determinants among major human-infecting species.
Xu Z , Guo Y , Roellig DM , Feng Y , Xiao L . BMC Genomics 2019 20 (1) 406 |
HCV transmission in high-risk communities in Bulgaria.
Ganova-Raeva L , Dimitrova Z , Alexiev I , Punkova L , Sue A , Xia GL , Gancheva A , Dimitrova R , Kostadinova A , Golkocheva-Markova E , Khudyakov Y . PLoS One 2019 14 (3) e0212350 |
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