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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 13, 2025
. (Total: 6490 publications)
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Records 1-21 (of 21 Records)
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Dietrich C[original query]
Outbreak of multidrug-resistant Salmonella infections in people linked to pig ear pet treats, United States, 2015–2019: results of a multistate investigation
Nichols M
Stapleton GS
Rotstein DS ,
Gollarza L
Adams J ,
Caidi H
Chen J
Hodges A , Glover M , Peloquin S , Payne L , Norris A , DeLancey S , Donovan D , Dietrich S , Glaspie S , McWilliams K , Burgess E , Holben B , Pietrzen K , Benko S , Feldpausch E , Orel S , Neises D , Kline KE , Tobin B , Caron G , Viveiros B , Miller A , Turner C , Holmes-Talbot K , Mank L , Nishimura C , Nguyen TN , Hale S ,
Francois Watkins LK
Lancet Reg Health - Am 2024 34
Household characteristics associated with surface contamination of SARS-CoV-2 and frequency of RT-PCR and viral culture positivity-California and Colorado, 2021.
Shragai T
Pratt C
Castro Georgi J
Donnelly MAP
Schwartz NG
Soto R
Chuey M
Chu VT
Marcenac P
Park GW
Ahmad A
Albanese B , Totten SE , Austin B ,
Bunkley P
Cherney B
Dietrich EA
Figueroa E
Folster JM
Godino C
Herzegh O
Lindell K
Relja B
Sheldon SW
Tong S
Vinjé J
Thornburg NJ
Matanock AM
Hughes LJ
Stringer G , Hudziec M , Beatty ME ,
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
PLoS One 2022 17 (10) e0274946
SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among vaccinated and unvaccinated household members during the Alpha variant surge - Denver, Colorado, and San Diego, California, January-April 2021.
McCormick DW
Konkle SL
Magleby R
Chakrabarti AK
Cherney B
Lindell K
Namageyo-Funa A
Visser S
Soto RA
Donnelly MAP
Stringer G , Austin B , Beatty ME , Stous S , Albanese BA ,
Chu VT
Chuey M ,
Dietrich EA
Drobeniuc J
Folster JM
Killerby ME
Lehman JA
McDonald EC ,
Ruffin J
Schwartz NG
Sheldon SW
Sleweon S
Thornburg NJ
Hughes LJ
Petway M
Tong S
Whaley MJ
Kirking HL
Tate JE
Hsu CH
Matanock A
Vaccine 2022 40 (33) 4845-4855
Household transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Alpha variant - United States, 2021.
Donnelly MAP
Chuey MR
Soto R
Schwartz NG
Chu VT
Konkle SL
Sleweon S
Ruffin J
Haberling DL
Guagliardo SAJ
Stoddard RA
Anderson RD
Morgan CN
Rossetti R
McCormick DW
Magleby R
Sheldon SW
Dietrich EA
Uehara A
Retchless AC
Tong S
Folster JM
Drobeniuc J ,
Petway ME
Austin B , Stous S , McDonald E , Jain S , Hudziec MM , Stringer G , Albanese BA , Totten SE ,
Staples JE
Killerby ME
Hughes L
Matanock A
Beatty M
Tate JE
Kirking HL
Hsu CH
Clin Infect Dis 2022 75 (1) e122-e132
Cluster of human Salmonella Guinea infections: Reported reptile exposures and associated opportunities for infection prevention - Ohio, 2019-2020.
Dewart CM
Waltenburg MA
Dietrich S , Machesky K , Singh A , Brandt E , de Fijter S .
Prev Vet Med 2021 198 105530
Childhood exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and neurobehavioral domains in children at age 8 years.
Vuong AM , Yolton K , Xie C , Dietrich KN , Braun JM , Webster GM ,
Calafat AM
Lanphear BP , Chen A .
Neurotoxicol Teratol 2021 88 107022
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 on Surfaces in Households of Persons with COVID-19.
Marcenac P
Park GW
Duca LM
Lewis NM
Dietrich EA
Barclay L
Tamin A
Harcourt JL
Thornburg NJ
Rispens J
Matanock A
Kiphibane T , Christensen K ,
Pawloski LC
Fry AM
Hall AJ
Tate JE
Vinjé J
Kirking HL
Pevzner E
Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 18 (15)
Simultaneous detection and differentiation of clinically relevant relapsing fever
Dietrich EA
Replogle AJ
Sheldon SW
Petersen JM
J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (7) e0298120
HIV drug resistance profile in South Africa: Findings and implications from the 2017 national HIV household survey.
Moyo S , Hunt G , Zuma K , Zungu M , Marinda E , Mabaso M , Kana V , Kalimashe M , Ledwaba J , Naidoo I , Takatshana S , Matjokotja T ,
Dietrich C
Raizes E
Diallo K
Kindra G
Mugore L
Rehle T .
PLoS One 2020 15 (11) e0241071
Targeted metagenomics for clinical detection and discovery of bacterial tickborne pathogens
Kingry L
Sheldon S
Oatman S , Pritt B , Anacker M , Bjork J , Neitzel D , Strain A , Berry J , Sloan L ,
Respicio-Kingry L
Dietrich E
Bloch K , Moncayo A ,
Srinivasamoorthy G
Hu B ,
Hinckley A
Mead P
Kugeler K
Petersen J
J Clin Microbiol 2020 58 (11)
Shigella sonnei Outbreak Investigation During a Municipal Water Crisis-Genesee and Saginaw Counties, Michigan, 2016.
McClung RP
Karwowski M
Castillo C
McFadden J ,
Collier S
Collins J , Soehnlen M , Dietrich S ,
Trees E
Wilt G , Harrington C , Miller A ,
Adam E
Reses H
Cope J
Fullerton K
Hill V
Yoder J
Am J Public Health 2020 110 (6) e1-e8
Francisella opportunistica sp. nov., isolated from human blood and cerebrospinal fluid.
Dietrich EA
Kingry LC
Kugeler KJ
Levy C , Yaglom H ,
Young JW
Mead PS
Petersen JM
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2019 70 (2) 1145-1151
MicroRNA reduction of neuronal West Nile virus replication attenuates and affords a protective immune response in mice
Brostoff T , Pesavento PA , Barker CM ,
Kenney JL
Dietrich EA
Duggal NK
Bosco-Lauth AM
Brault AC
Vaccine 2016 34 (44) 5366-5375
West Nile Virus Temperature Sensitivity and Avian Virulence Are Modulated by NS1-2B Polymorphisms.
Dietrich EA
Langevin SA ,
Huang CY
Maharaj PD ,
Delorey MJ
Bowen RA ,
Kinney RM
Brault AC
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2016 10 (8) e0004938
Transgene expression in tick cells using Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
Machado-Ferreira E
Balsemao-Pires E ,
Dietrich G
Hojgaard A , Vizzoni VF , Scoles G , Bell-Sakyi L ,
Piesman J
Zeidner NS
Soares CA .
Exp Appl Acarol 2015 67 (2) 269-87
Experimental evolution of an RNA virus in wild birds: evidence for host-dependent impacts on population structure and competitive fitness.
Grubaugh ND , Smith DR , Brackney DE , Bosco-Lauth AM , Fauver JR , Campbell CL , Felix TA ,
Romo H
Duggal NK
Dietrich EA
Eike T , Beane JE , Bowen RA , Black WC ,
Brault AC
Ebel GD .
PLoS Pathog 2015 11 (5) e1004874
Succinylacetone as primary marker to detect tyrosinemia type I in newborns and its measurement by newborn screening programs.
De Jesus VR
Adam BW
Mandel D
Cuthbert CD
Matern D .
Mol Genet Metab 2014 113 67-75
Saliva, salivary gland, and hemolymph collection from Ixodes scapularis ticks
Patton TG
Dietrich G
Brandt K
Dolan MC
Piesman J
Gilmore RD Jr
J Vis Exp 2012 (60)
Functional analysis of the Borrelia burgdorferi bba64 gene product in murine infection via tick infestation.
Patton TG
Dietrich G
Dolan MC
Piesman J
Carroll JA ,
Gilmore RD Jr
PLoS One 2011 6 (5) e19536
Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA in tick feces provides evidence for organism shedding during vector feeding.
Patton TG
Dietrich G
Gilmore RD
Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2010 11 (3) 197-200
The bba64 gene of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease agent, is critical for mammalian infection via tick bite transmission
Gilmore RD Jr
Howison RR ,
Dietrich G
Patton TG
Clifton DR ,
Carroll JA
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010 107 (16) 7515-20
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities