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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
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Records 1-30 (of 31 Records)
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Castranova V[original query]
Differential gene regulation in human small airway epithelial cells grown in monoculture versus coculture with human microvascular endothelial cells following multiwalled carbon nanotube exposure.
Snyder-Talkington BN , Dong C , Castranova V ,
Qian Y
Guo NL .
Toxicol Rep 2019 6 482-488
Effects of Laser Printer-Emitted Engineered Nanoparticles on Cytotoxicity, Chemokine Expression, Reactive Oxygen Species, DNA Methylation, and DNA Damage: A Comprehensive in Vitro Analysis in Human Small Airway Epithelial Cells, Macrophages, and Lymphoblasts.
Pirela SV , Miousse IR , Lu X , Castranova V , Thomas T ,
Qian Y
Bello D , Kobzik L , Koturbash I , Demokritou P .
Environ Health Perspect 2015 124 (2) 210-9
Multi-walled carbon nanotube-induced gene expression in vitro: concordance with in vivo studies
Snyder-Talkington BN
Dong C , Zhao X , Dymacek J ,
Porter DW
Wolfarth MG
Castranova V
Qian Y
Guo NL .
Toxicology 2014 328c 66-74
mRNA and miRNA regulatory networks reflective of multi-walled carbon nanotube-induced lung inflammatory and fibrotic pathologies in mice.
Dymacek J ,
Snyder-Talkington BN
Porter DW
Wolfarth MG
Castranova V ,
Qian Y
Guo NL .
Toxicol Sci 2014 144 (1) 51-64
Chronic exposure to carbon nanotubes induces invasion of human mesothelial cells through matrix metalloproteinase-2
Lohcharoenkal W ,
Wang L
Stueckle TA
Dinu CZ ,
Castranova V
Liu Y , Rojanasakul Y .
ACS Nano 2013 7 (9) 7711-23
The microRNA-200 family targets multiple non-small cell lung cancer prognostic markers in H1299 cells and BEAS-2B cells.
Pacurari M
Addison JB , Bondalapati N , Wan YW , Luo D ,
Qian Y
Castranova V
Ivanov AV , Guo NL .
Int J Oncol 2013 43 (2) 548-60
Systematic analysis of multiwalled carbon nanotube-induced cellular signaling and gene expression in human small airway epithelial cells.
Snyder-Talkington BN
Pacurari M
Dong C ,
Leonard SS
Schwegler-Berry D
Castranova V
Qian Y
Guo NL .
Toxicol Sci 2013 133 (1) 79-89
New perspectives for in vitro risk assessment of multiwalled carbon nanotubes: application of coculture and bioinformatics
Snyder-Talkington BN
Qian Y
Castranova V
Guo NL .
J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev 2012 15 (7) 468-92
Multiwalled carbon nanotube-induced gene signatures in the mouse lung: potential predictive value for human lung cancer risk and prognosis.
Guo NL , Wan YW , Denvir J ,
Porter DW
Pacurari M ,
Wolfarth MG
Castranova V
Qian Y
J Toxicol Environ Health A 2012 75 (18) 1129-53
Respiratory and olfactory cytotoxicity of inhaled 2,3-pentanedione in Sprague-Dawley rats
Hubbs AF
Cumpston AM
Goldsmith WT
Battelli LA
Kashon ML
Jackson MC
Frazer DG
Fedan JS
Goravanahally MP
Castranova V
Kreiss K
Willard PA
Friend S
Schwegler-Berry D
Fluharty KL
Sriram K
Am J Pathol 2012 181 (3) 829-44
A smoking-associated 7-gene signature for lung cancer diagnosis and prognosis.
Wan YW ,
Raese RA
Fortney JE , Xiao C , Luo D , Cavendish J , Gibson LF ,
Castranova V
Qian Y
Guo NL .
Int J Oncol 2012 41 (4) 1387-96
Single cell gel electrophoresis assay (comet assay) for evaluating nanoparticles-induced DNA damage in cells.
Bowman L
Castranova V
Ding M
Methods Mol Biol 2012 906 415-22
Luciferase reporter system for studying the effect of nanoparticles on gene expression.
Ding M
Bowman L
Castranova V
Methods Mol Biol 2012 906 403-14
Multi-walled carbon nanotube-induced gene expression in the mouse lung: association with lung pathology.
Pacurari M ,
Qian Y
Porter DW
Wolfarth M
Wan Y , Luo D ,
Ding M
Castranova V
Guo NL .
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 255 (1) 18-31
miR-190-mediated downregulation of PHLPP contributes to arsenic-induced Akt activation and carcinogenesis
Beezhold K
Liu J
Kan H
Meighan T
Castranova V
Shi X ,
Chen F
Toxicol Sci 2011 123 (2) 411-20
Genotoxicity of carbon nanofibers: are they potentially more or less dangerous than carbon nanotubes or asbestos?
Kisin ER
Murray AR
Sargent L
Lowry D
Chirila M
Siegrist KJ
Schwegler-Berry D
Leonard S
Castranova V
Fadeel B ,
Kagan VE
Shvedova AA
Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 2011 252 (1) 1-10
Hybrid models identified a 12-gene signature for lung cancer prognosis and chemoresponse prediction
Wan YW , Sabbagh E , Raese R ,
Qian Y
Luo D , Denvir J ,
Vallyathan V
Castranova V
Guo NL .
PLoS One 2010 5 (8) e12222
Mitochondrial dysfunction and loss of Parkinson's disease-linked proteins contribute to neurotoxicity of manganese-containing welding fumes
Sriram K
Lin GX
Jefferson AM
Roberts JR
Wirth O
Hayashi Y
Krajnak KM
Soukup JM , Ghio AJ ,
Reynolds SH
Castranova V
Munson AE
Antonini JM
FASEB J 2010 24 (12) 4989-5002
Potential pulmonary effects of engineered carbon nanotubes: in vitro genotoxic effects
Sargent LM
Reynolds SH
Castranova V
Nanotoxicology 2010 4 396-408
A breast cancer prognostic signature predicts clinical outcomes in multiple tumor types
Wan YW ,
Qian Y
Rathnagiriswaran S ,
Castranova V
Guo NL .
Oncol Rep 2010 24 (2) 489-94
Microprocessor of microRNAs: regulation and potential for therapeutic intervention
Beezhold KJ
Castranova V
Chen F
Mol Cancer 2010 9 134
Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/akt regulates bleomycin-induced fibroblast proliferation and collagen production
Lu Y , Azad N ,
Wang L
Iyer AK ,
Castranova V
Jiang BH , Rojanasakul Y .
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2010 42 (4) 432-41
Tungsten carbide-cobalt particles activate Nrf2 and its downstream target genes in JB6 cells possibly by ROS generation
Zhang XD
Zhao J
Bowman L
Shi X ,
Castranova V
Ding M
J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 2010 29 (1) 31-40
A population-based gene signature is predictive of breast cancer survival and chemoresponse
Rathnagiriswaran S , Wan YW , Abraham J ,
Castranova V
Qian Y
Guo NL .
Int J Oncol 2010 36 (3) 607-16
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles induce JB6 cell apoptosis through activation of the caspase-8/Bid and mitochondrial pathways
Zhao J
Bowman L
Zhang X
Vallyathan V
Young SH
Castranova V
Ding M
J Toxicol Environ Health A 2009 72 (19) 1141-9
The role of p53 in silica-induced cellular and molecular responses associated with carcinogenesis
Gwinn MR
Leonard SS
Sargent LM
Lowry DT
McKinstry K
Meighan T
Reynolds SH
Kashon M
Castranova V
Vallyathan V
J Toxicol Environ Health A 2009 72 (23) 1509-1519
JNK1, a potential therapeutic target for hepatocellular carcinoma
Chen F
Beezhold K
Castranova V
Biochim Biophys Acta 2009 1796 (2) 242-251
Overlapping signature genes between hepatocellular carcinoma and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
Chen F
Li S
Castranova V
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2009 21 (11) 1320-1
DNA double strand breaks by asbestos, silica and titanium dioxide: possible biomarker of carcinogenic potential?
Msiska Z
Pacurari M
Mishra A
Leonard SS
Castranova V
Vallyathan V
Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2009 43 (2) 210-9
JNK1 activation predicts the prognostic outcome of the human hepatocellular carcinoma
Chang Q , Chen J ,
Beezhold KJ
Castranova V
Shi X
Chen F
Mol Cancer 2009 8 64
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities