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Records 1-30 (of 32 Records)
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Bhatnagar A[original query]
Bartonella quintana infection in kidney transplant recipients from donor experiencing homelessness, United States, 2022
Beeson AM
Rich SN
Russo ME ,
Bhatnagar J
Kumar RN ,
Ritter JM
Annambhotla P
Takeda MR , Kuhn KF , Pillai P ,
DeLeon-Carnes M
Scobell R , Ekambaram M , Finkel R , Reagan-Steiner S , Martines RB ,
Satoskar RS
Vranic GM , Mohammed R , Rivera GE , Cooper K , Abdelal H , Couturier MR , Bradley BT ,
Hinckley AF
Koehler JE ,
Mead PS
Kuehnert MJ
Ackelsberg J ,
Basavaraju SV
Marx GE
Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (12) 2467-2475
Bartonella quintana endocarditis in persons experiencing homelessness, New York, New York, USA, 2020-2023
Keller M , Agladze M , Kupferman T ,
Rich SN
Marx GE
Gnanaprakasam R , Kodama R , Feldmesser M , Mitchell K , Wroblewski D , Juretschko S , Kleinman GM ,
Kuehnert MJ
Bhatnagar J
Carnes MD
Bullock H
Reagan-Steiner S
Corvese G , Ackelsberg J .
Emerg Infect Dis 2024 30 (12) 2494-2501
Characterization of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa carrying multiple carbapenemase genes-Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network, 2018-2022
Sabour S
Harrington KRV ,
Martinson E
Bhatnagar AS
Huang JY
Duffy D
Bantle K
Lutgring JD
Karlsson M , Baca S .
J Clin Microbiol 2024 e0122024
Human Orthohantavirus disease prevalence and genotype distribution in the U.S., 2008–2020: a retrospective observational study
Whitmer SLM
Whitesell A
Mobley M
Talundzic E
Shedroff E
Cossaboom CM
Messenger S
Deldari M
Bhatnagar J
Estetter L
Zufan S ,
Cannon D
Chiang CF
Gibbons A
Krapiunaya I
Morales-Betoulle M
Choi M
Knust B ,
Amman B
Montgomery JM
Shoemaker T
Klena JD
Lancet Reg Health - Am 2024 37
Pathology and monkeypox virus localization in tissues from immunocompromised patients with severe or fatal mpox
Ritter JM
Martines RB
Bhatnagar J
Rao AK
Villalba JA
Silva-Flannery L
Lee E
Bullock HA
Hutson CL
Cederroth T , Harris CK , Hord K , Xu Y , Brown CA , Guccione JP , Miller M ,
Paddock CD
Reagan-Steiner S
J Infect Dis 2024
Descriptive analysis of targeted carbapenemase genes and antibiotic susceptibility profiles among carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii tested in the Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network-United States, 2017-2020
Sabour S
Bantle K
Bhatnagar A
Huang JY
Biggs A , Bodnar J , Dale JL , Gleason R , Klein L , Lasure M , Lee R , Nazarian E , Schneider E , Smith L , Snippes Vagnone P , Therrien M , Tran M , Valley A , Wang C , Young EL ,
Lutgring JD
Brown AC
Microbiol Spectr 2024 e0282823
Transmission of yellow fever vaccine virus through blood transfusion and organ transplantation in the USA in 2021: Report of an investigation
Gould CV
Free RJ
Bhatnagar J
Soto RA
Royer TL , Maley WR , Moss S , Berk MA , Craig-Shapiro R , Kodiyanplakkal RPL , Westblade LF , Muthukumar T , Puius YA , Raina A , Hadi A , Gyure KA , Trief D , Pereira M ,
Kuehnert MJ
Ballen V , Kessler DA , Dailey K , Omura C , Doan T , Miller S , Wilson MR ,
Lehman JA
Ritter JM , Lee E , Silva-Flannery L , Reagan-Steiner S ,
Velez JO
Laven JJ
Fitzpatrick KA
Panella A
Davis EH
Hughes HR
Brault AC
St George K , Dean AB , Ackelsberg J , Basavaraju SV , Chiu CY ,
Staples JE
Lancet Microbe 2023 4 (9) e711-e721
Population structure and antimicrobial resistance patterns of Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi A amid a phased municipal vaccination campaign in Navi Mumbai, India
da Silva KE ,
Date K
Hirani N , LeBoa C , Jayaprasad N , Borhade P , Warren J , Shimpi R , Hoffman SA ,
Mikoleit M
Bhatnagar P , Cao Y , Haldar P , Harvey P ,
Zhang C
Daruwalla S , Dharmapalan D , Gavhane J , Joshi S , Rai R , Rathod V , Shetty K , Warrier DS , Yadav S , Chakraborty D , Bahl S , Katkar A , Kunwar A , Yewale V , Dutta S , Luby SP , Andrews JR .
mBio 2023 14 (4) e0117923
Longitudinal serologic and viral testing post-SARS-CoV-2 infection and post-receipt of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in a nursing home cohort-Georgia, October 2020‒April 2021.
Tobolowsky FA
Waltenburg MA
Moritz ED
Haile M
DaSilva JC
Schuh AJ
Thornburg NJ
Westbrook A
McKay SL
LaVoie SP
Folster JM
Harcourt JL
Tamin A
Stumpf MM
Mills L
Freeman B
Lester S
Beshearse E
Lecy KD
Brown LG
Fajardo G
Negley J ,
McDonald LC
Kutty PK
Brown AC
Bhatnagar A
Bryant-Genevier J
Currie DW
Campbell D
Gilbert SE
Hatfield KM
Jackson DA
Jernigan JA
Dawson JL
Hudson MJ
Joseph K
Reddy SC
Wilson MM
PLoS One 2022 17 (10) e0275718
A Case Series of Children with Acute Hepatitis and Human Adenovirus Infection.
GutierrezSanchez LH , Shiau H ,
Baker JM
Saaybi S , Buchfellner M , Britt W , Sanchez V , Potter JL , Ingram LA , Kelly D , Lu X , Ayers-Millsap S , Willeford WG ,
Rassaei N
Bhatnagar J
Bullock H
Reagan-Steiner S
Martin A , Rogers ME , Banc-Husu AM , Harpavat S , Leung DH , Moulton EA , Lamson DM , StGeorge K , Hall AJ , Parashar U , MacNeil A , Tate JE , Kirking HL .
N Engl J Med 2022 387 (7) 620-630
Extensively Drug-Resistant Carbapenemase-Producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Medical Tourism from the United States to Mexico, 2018-2019.
Kracalik I
Ham DC
McAllister G
Smith AR , Vowles M , Kauber K , Zambrano M , Rodriguez G , Garner K , Chorbi K , Cassidy PM , McBee S ,
Stoney RJ
Moser K
Villarino ME
Zazueta OE , Bhatnagar A ,
Sula E
Stanton RA
Brown AC
Halpin AL
Epstein L
Walters MS
Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (1) 51-61
Detection and Characterization of Targeted Carbapenem-Resistant Healthcare-Associated Threats: Findings from The Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network, 2017-2019.
Sabour S
Huang JY
Bhatnagar A
Gilbert SE
Karlsson M
Lonsway D
Lutgring JD
Rasheed JK
Halpin AL
Stanton RA
Gumbis S
Elkins CA
Brown AC
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2021 65 (12) Aac0110521
Carbapenemase production among less-common Enterobacterales genera: 10 US sites, 2018.
Shugart A
Mahon G
Huang JY
Karlsson M
Valley A , Lasure M , Gross A , Pattee B , Vaeth E ,
Brooks R
Maruca T , Dominguez CE , Torpey D , Francis D , Bhattarai R , Kainer MA , Chan A , Dubendris H , Greene SR , Blosser SJ , Shannon DJ , Jones K , Brennan B , Hun S , D'Angeli M , Murphy CN , Tierney M ,
Reese N
Bhatnagar A
Kallen A
Brown AC
Spalding Walters M
JAC Antimicrob Resist 2021 3 (3) dlab137
Human Adenovirus 11 in 2 Renal Transplant Recipients: Suspected Donor-Derived Infection.
Sherman AC ,
Lu X
Schneider E
Langston A , Ellis CL , Pastan S ,
Bhatnagar J
Reagan-Steiner S
Annambhotla P
Lindstrom S
Mehta A , Pouch SM , Sexton ME .
Open Forum Infect Dis 2021 8 (3) ofab092
Aztreonam-Avibactam Susceptibility Testing Program for Metallo-Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacterales in the Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network, March 2019 to December 2020.
Bhatnagar A
Boyd S
Sabour S
Bodnar J , Nazarian E , Peinovich N , Wagner C , Craft B , Vagnone PS , Simpson J , Stone VN , Therrien M , Bateman A , Lower D ,
Huang JY
Gumbis S
Lonsway D
Lutgring JD
Karlsson M
Brown AC
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2021 65 (8) Aac0048621
Introduction, Transmission Dynamics, and Fate of Early SARS-CoV-2 Lineages in Santa Clara County, California.
Villarino E , Deng X , Kemper CA , Jorden MA , Bonin B , Rudman SL , Han GS , Yu G , Wang C , Federman S , Bushnell B , Wadford DA , Lin W ,
Tao Y
Paden CR
Bhatnagar J
MacCannell T ,
Tong S
Batson J , Chiu CY .
J Infect Dis 2021 224 (2) 207-217
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles to Predict the Presence of Carbapenemase Genes among Carbapenem-Resistant
Vallabhaneni S
Huang JY
Grass JE
Bhatnagar A
Sabour S
Lutgring JD
Campbell D
Karlsson M
Kallen AJ
Nazarian E , Snavely EA , Morris S , Wang C , Lee R , Koag M , Lewis R , Garcia B ,
Brown AC
Walters MS
J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (6)
Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Tropism in the Lungs, Airways and Vascular Endothelium of Patients with Fatal COVID-19: An Autopsy Case-Series.
Bhatnagar J
Gary J
Reagan-Steiner S
Estetter LB
Tong S
Tao Y
Denison AM
Lee E
DeLeon-Carnes M
Li Y
Uehara A
Paden CR
Leitgeb B
Uyeki TM
Martines RB
Ritter JM
Paddock CD
Shieh WJ
Zaki SR
J Infect Dis 2021 223 (5) 752-764
Assessing the in vitro impact of ceftazidime on aztreonam/avibactam susceptibility testing for highly resistant MBL-producing Enterobacterales.
Bhatnagar A
Ransom EM ,
Machado MJ
Boyd S
Reese N
Anderson K
Lonsway D
Elkins CA
Rasheed JK
Patel JB
Karlsson M
Brown AC
Lutgring JD
J Antimicrob Chemother 2020 76 (4) 979-983
Identification and Characterization of Shigella with Decreased Susceptibility to Azithromycin in the United States, 2005 to 2014.
Campbell D
Bowen A
Bhatnagar A , McCullough A ,
Grass J
Chen J ,
Folster JP
J Glob Antimicrob Resist 2019 21 417-419
Respiratory Illness Associated With Emergent Human Adenovirus Genome Type 7d, New Jersey, 2016-2017.
Killerby ME
Rozwadowski F
Lu X
Caulcrick-Grimes M , McHugh L , Haldeman AM , Fulton T ,
Schneider E
Sakthivel SK
Bhatnagar J
Rabeneck DB
Zaki S
Gerber SI
Watson JT
Open Forum Infect Dis 2019 6 (2) ofz017
Outbreak of Tattoo-Associated Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Skin Infections.
Griffin I ,
Schmitz A
Oliver C , Pritchard S , Zhang G , Rico E ,
Davenport E
Llau A , Moore E , Fernandez D , Mejia-Echeverry A , Suarez J , Noya-Chaveco P , Elmir S , Jean R , Pettengill JB , Hollinger KA , Chou K , Williams-Hill D ,
Zaki S
Muehlenbachs A
Keating MK
Bhatnagar J
Rowlinson MC , Chiribau C , Rivera L .
Clin Infect Dis 2018 69 (6) 949-955
Genome-wide association study to identify variants associated with vaso-occlusive pain in sickle cell anemia.
Chaturvedi S , Bhatnagar P ,
Bean CJ
Steinberg MH , Milton JN , Casella JF , Barron-Casella E , Arking DE , DeBaun MR .
Blood 2017 130 (5) 686-688
Zika Virus RNA Replication and Persistence in Brain and Placental Tissue.
Bhatnagar J
Rabeneck DB
Martines RB
Reagan-Steiner S
Ermias Y
Estetter LB
Suzuki T
Ritter J
Keating MK
Hale G
Gary J
Muehlenbachs A
Lambert A
Lanciotti R
Oduyebo T
Meaney-Delman D
Bolanos F , Saad EA ,
Shieh WJ
Zaki SR
Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (3) 405-414
Prolonged detection of Zika virus RNA in pregnant women
Meaney-Delman D ,
Oduyebo T
Polen KN
White JL
Bingham AM , Slavinski SA , Heberlein-Larson L , St George K , Rakeman JL ,
Hills S
Olson CK
Adamski A
Culver Barlow L , Lee EH ,
Likos AM
Munoz JL
Petersen EE
Dufort EM , Dean AB ,
Cortese MM
Santiago GA
Bhatnagar J
Powers AM
Zaki S
Petersen LR
Jamieson DJ
Honein MA .
Obstet Gynecol 2016 128 (4) 724-730
Malignant Transformation of Hymenolepis nana in a Human Host.
Muehlenbachs A
Bhatnagar J
Agudelo CA , Hidron A , Eberhard ML , Mathison BA ,
Frace MA
Ito A ,
Metcalfe MG
Rollin DC
Visvesvara GS
Pham CD
Jones TL
Greer PW
Velez Hoyos A , Olson PD , Diazgranados LR ,
Zaki SR
N Engl J Med 2015 373 (19) 1845-52
Acute chest syndrome is associated with single nucleotide polymorphism-defined beta globin cluster haplotype in children with sickle cell anaemia.
Bean CJ
Boulet SL
Yang G
Payne AB
Ghaji N
Pyle ME
Hooper WC
Bhatnagar P , Keefer J , Barron-Casella EA , Casella JF , Debaun MR .
Br J Haematol 2013 163 (2) 268-76
Localization of pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza A virus RNA in lung and lymph nodes of fatal influenza cases by in situ hybridization: new insights on virus replication and pathogenesis.
Bhatnagar J
Jones T
Blau DM
Shieh WJ
Paddock CD
Drew C
Denison AM
Rollin DC
Patel M
Zaki SR
J Clin Virol 2012 56 (3) 232-7
Meta-analysis of 2040 sickle cell anemia patients: BCL11A and HBS1L-MYB are the major modifiers of HbF in African Americans
Bae HT , Baldwin CT , Sebastiani P , Telen MJ , Ashley-Koch A , Garrett M ,
Hooper WC
Bean CJ
Debaun MR , Arking DE , Bhatnagar P , Casella JF , Keefer JR , Barron-Casella E , Gordeuk V , Kato GJ , Minniti C , Taylor J , Campbell A , Luchtman-Jones L , Hoppe C , Gladwin MT , Zhang Y , Steinberg MH .
Blood 2012 120 (9) 1961-2
A genome-wide association study of total bilirubin and cholelithiasis risk in sickle cell anemia.
Milton JN , Sebastiani P , Solovieff N , Hartley SW , Bhatnagar P , Arking DE , Dworkis DA , Casella JF , Barron-Casella E ,
Bean CJ
Hooper WC
Debaun MR , Garrett ME , Soldano K , Telen MJ , Ashley-Koch A , Gladwin MT , Baldwin CT , Steinberg MH , Klings ES .
PLoS One 2012 7 (4) e34741
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities